Saturday, July 9, 2011


Nothing beats a great decaf vanilla latte, a pilot 1.0 black gel pen,

and my journal to start or end any day.

You will never see me without my journal. Even if I’m making a quick run to the grocery store, I take it with me, ‘just in case’! It is my constant companion, and has been since I was in junior high.

If you ever got to peek inside, you would see gratitude lists, everyday mundane thoughts and feelings, random conversations with strangers, moments of venting, song ideas, affirmations & advice from people I never want to forget, manifestation lists, best and worst days of my year, prayers (and ANSWERS), lists of books I’ve read, and pages and pages filled with pondering life, and what it all means.

Journaling gives me a true perspective of who I am, who I’ve been, and who I’m becoming. It’s more than a daily log of events in my life, it’s about my ‘connection’ to those events that allow me to get even closer to my true self.

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