Saturday, July 9, 2011

The BEST Green & Protein Powders ever made!

One of the greatest things about being Artists is that we rarely work a typical day of 9-5.

However, our demanding schedules require

so much from us, the first thing that can go out the window is our nutritional health. If you're like me, you may even go into an 8 hour creative zone, and not even realize you haven't eaten.

This year, my nutritionist gave me the gift of

Sun Warrior Powders.

The Ormus Greens powder is the BEST TASTING

green smoothie I’ve ever had!

Ormus SuperGreens greens are 100% certified organic, Non GMO, & Gluten Free! They are grown in pristine ancient sea bed in a volcanic region of Utah and Arizona. The soil is loaded with platinum, gold, silver and ormus trace minerals that give the greens a magnetic property increases the Vibration and Frequency of those who consume it.

It’s packed with Pro-Biotics and flavored

with stevia & peppermint so I can just mix it w/ water when I’m on the road!

At home, I usually make it with raw milk, bananas, and some cod oil, and I have all my nutrients for the day!

The vanilla protein powder is also full of amino acids, and gives me that

boost of energy I need first thing in the morning, or to make it through

a long night in the studio. YUM!

Get it here:

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