Sunday, July 31, 2011

Brand New Coaching Opportunity!!

Trina Harmon is now offering exclusive

30 minute $50 Energy Clearing Sessions

“Every one of my clients had such stunning results with this energy work technique,

they started requesting additional 30 minute sessions during the week!

So now I’ve created a way to make it affordable and easy for

ANYONE to receive this amazing experience for themselves.”

Do you ever feel like something is blocking you from doing what you want to do or being who you want to be? Is there something you know you need to ‘work on’ but don’t really know how? Maybe you’re struggling with self-esteem or money issues, health problems, relationships, making tough decisions, spiritual confusion or feeling ‘lost‘ in your life. This could be your answer.

In an Energy Clearing phone session, Trina will help you access instant clarity to what is keeping you ‘stuck’, and re-align you with your soul’s knowing, so that you can begin shifting and manifesting immediately. Space is limited, so make your appointment today!


and don't forget to....EXPECT A MIRACLE

Saturday, July 9, 2011

"The Alchemist" Author: Paulo Coelho

One of my favorite books, The Alchemist, written by profound writer Paulo Coelho, is a beautiful fable about following your dreams. I love this book with all my heart and often give it as a gift whenever possible.

This is the story of a boy who sets out on an incredible journey based on a vision he sees in a dream. On his path, he meets many spiritual messengers, who come in unassuming forms, that guide him to his ultimate destiny.

A couple of my favorite lines that stuck in my mind were:

“My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer,"

the boy told the alchemist one night as they looked up at the moonless sky.

"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.

And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams."

“The boy and his heart had become friends,

and neither was capable now of betraying the other.”

Interesting little side note: One of my clients has had the privilege of building a friendship with Paulo Coelho. I have learned that even his text messages are just as profound as his books!


Nothing beats a great decaf vanilla latte, a pilot 1.0 black gel pen,

and my journal to start or end any day.

You will never see me without my journal. Even if I’m making a quick run to the grocery store, I take it with me, ‘just in case’! It is my constant companion, and has been since I was in junior high.

If you ever got to peek inside, you would see gratitude lists, everyday mundane thoughts and feelings, random conversations with strangers, moments of venting, song ideas, affirmations & advice from people I never want to forget, manifestation lists, best and worst days of my year, prayers (and ANSWERS), lists of books I’ve read, and pages and pages filled with pondering life, and what it all means.

Journaling gives me a true perspective of who I am, who I’ve been, and who I’m becoming. It’s more than a daily log of events in my life, it’s about my ‘connection’ to those events that allow me to get even closer to my true self.

My Kindle

When the kindle first came out, I never thought I would use one. I love my books too much! I could spend hours in a bookstore, sitting in a comfy chair, speed reading through all the books that call to me on that day.

So when

my sister gave me a Kindle for Christmas last year, I had no idea how

much I would grow dependent on it. I find myself downloading the books (for 1/2

the price!) I want to read, but wouldn’t necessarily buy. I can also download my documents, like lyric sheets, or notes for a meeting. And I really love the option to highlight lines and make notes as I’m reading.

The best part is when I’m headed out of town, to the beach or just across town to a coffee shop, I don’t have to make up my mind what I’m going to want to read. My lovely kindle holds everything to suit any mood.

I still buy books though, just like I thought I would. And it makes me incredibly sad to see all of favorite bookstores going out of business.

Why can’t we just live in a world with both?

The Right Teacher

Having a teacher/guide/mentor/healer inmy life
is simply one of the best gifts I’ve ever offered myself.

I have experienced such transformation and growth in my life, that I can’t imagine not having it. I have also learned, that my consistency is the key. When I would go to someone only in crisis, I would learn how to manage that particular crisis, but not necessarily grow the muscular structure to not repeat it. Today, I don’t wait for something to be ‘wrong.’

When life is going really well, or I’m in the middle of creating something really meaningful to me, I make sure I’m connecting with my teachers. I want to use my ‘whole’ life as an opportunity to grow and experience my highest potential self. As the saying goes, “God imagines more for us, than we ever could.”

This is also how I know I’ve found the right teacher for me.

They can imagine more for me, than I do, and stand in that possibility, until I can, while holding no judgement, opinion, or excuse as to why I’m not there already.

I am grateful to have many specific teachers in my life that fit this very description. So far, they have come in the form of coaches, bodyworkers, holistic practitioners, nutritionists, energy healers, intuitive guides, astrologers, pastors, and meditation/yoga teachers.

Some are there for a season, some are there for life. It is true that when the student is ready, the teacher appears, and often, teachers appear everywhere.

We are never done growing, and we never get to a

point of knowing all there is to know.

The beautiful thing is we’re not expected to know how this whole life thing works, and

...we don’t have to go through it alone.

The BEST Green & Protein Powders ever made!

One of the greatest things about being Artists is that we rarely work a typical day of 9-5.

However, our demanding schedules require

so much from us, the first thing that can go out the window is our nutritional health. If you're like me, you may even go into an 8 hour creative zone, and not even realize you haven't eaten.

This year, my nutritionist gave me the gift of

Sun Warrior Powders.

The Ormus Greens powder is the BEST TASTING

green smoothie I’ve ever had!

Ormus SuperGreens greens are 100% certified organic, Non GMO, & Gluten Free! They are grown in pristine ancient sea bed in a volcanic region of Utah and Arizona. The soil is loaded with platinum, gold, silver and ormus trace minerals that give the greens a magnetic property increases the Vibration and Frequency of those who consume it.

It’s packed with Pro-Biotics and flavored

with stevia & peppermint so I can just mix it w/ water when I’m on the road!

At home, I usually make it with raw milk, bananas, and some cod oil, and I have all my nutrients for the day!

The vanilla protein powder is also full of amino acids, and gives me that

boost of energy I need first thing in the morning, or to make it through

a long night in the studio. YUM!

Get it here:

Herkimer Diamonds

I have never studied or worked a lot with crystals, but this one has made me a believer in the powerful properties they are known to hold.

Herkimer diamonds aren't diamonds. They are clear quartz formations which, because of their brilliance and diamond shape they've been given that name. These rare gems are found and mined only in Herkimer, NY. They are ‘double terminated’, meaning they hold DOUBLE the magnitude.

I wear mine during coaching & writing sessions, around large groups of people, or when I just want to feel a ‘boost' in my energy.

These particular crystals can be incredible inspirational tools, making the contact with our higher levels of consciousness more easy, boosting our creativity, helping us ease inner tension, raise self esteem and establishing a feeling of wellbeing and joy. This is also one of the most powerful gemstones for releasing and discharging the energy blockages within our auric energy field.

I haven’t tried this yet, but word is you can even use this to make a healing elixir when you’re feeling run-down or weak. Just let it stay over night in a glass of pure spring water, and drink it in the morning before starting your day!