Every artist/person needs some energy clearing tools, and this is one of my favorites!
As a speaker and performer, and someone who
would take on the energy of others all day
long, I desperately
needed a way to clear all the ‘heaviness’ at the end
of the day.
That’s when I discovered Sea Salt and Soda Baths.
Soaking in this combo sucks all the negative stress
toxins out of your body.
The amounts aren’t necessarily important, but I do:
1 cup Sea Salt or Epsom Salt
3/4 cup Baking Soda
few drops of lavender oil (for calmness and to help even the worst insomniac!)
I also say a simple prayer,
"Please remove any negative energy that is not
my own. (I give it some time, to feel it leave my body)
Now, please remove any negative energy that is my own
that isn’t serving me and my highest good. Thank you.”
Then, a few more minutes of meditating, visualizing, or gratitude
and you’ll feel like a brand new person!
P.S. The pic above was my bathtub with a view at the Trump Soho in NYC.
Another one of my favorite things!
Love this! Thanks Trina!